Atomik Cupcake Designs @ Daku Con 2019!
We had SO much fun! DakuCon was our first experience tabling at a convention, and I feel like it was very successful! We've already applied for a couple more (and are considering signing up for Daku Con 2020 as well!), so hopefully now with a bit more experience, there will be more conventions in Atomik Cupcake Designs' future!

Here was our booth set-up! =D We brought most of our merchandise, save for a couple things...I wasn't sure how much to bring, but I'm happy with the amount of offerings that there were. I was especially excited to see that custom tablecloth in action!
The crowd was fantastic--not a huge amount of people, and many familiar faces by Saturday, but certainly enough to make the convention interesting (I would estimate around 600-ish people throughout the weekend, but I also stayed mostly in the Artist Alley area, and there may have been quite a few more in the Dealer's Hall that never ventured our way). The majority were wearing costumes, and I absolutely loved seeing how creative people got!

Some brought some creative props as well--one man was carrying a functional bass guitar shaped like a Star Wars X Wing fighter (picture to be added later, because you know I took one!). One person was wearing an animatronic World of Warcraft costume, complete with stilts and a voice modifier. That's my handsome husband next to him, who graciously helped me with the convention all weekend. =D I also appreciated that because Daku Con is 18+, the costumes didn't need to be censored. I felt like it allowed people to really be themselves, and the best part--everyone that I saw was SO open and accepting, and no one seemed to creep on anyone, regardless of how revealing their costume was. It was very refreshing. I also saw so many talented was ridiculous. =D Keep an eye out on our Instagram over the next week or so to see some of the goodies that I got! It was humbling to be included with such a diverse group of talent. I am extremely grateful for all the support that I've received that has allowed me to take Atomik Cupcake Designs to this point, and I can't wait to do more conventions!

(this is a commission that I got to do on Sunday. I'd never done an on-the-spot commission before!)